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When one job ends… another begins

Posted by MzA | Added on : March 10, 2013 2:12pm | Last edited: March 11, 2013 6:30pm | Viewed 3699 times | 1 Comments


 When one job ends…  another begins
 Hello, my name is Leroy.  I was once a Christmas tree.  I am now a shelter for the backyard birds. I live at the home of a lady who enjoys feeding birds.  Every morning,  she is out…  feeding birds. I wish I was a bird. You would not believe how well she feeds them. There are peanuts, sunflower seeds and thistle and 3 different kind of suet. Every morning a new assortment of snacks is placed on the table.  Today…  she gave them a chicken. I love chicken, I can’t believe she feeds the birds chicken. That seems a little bit cannibalistic, but what do I know. I am a Christmas tree.
Early in the winter she gave them a warm sauna.  It is cleaned and refilled every day. I hear her speak softly to the birds and tell them to drink the fresh water.  Just once I wish she would speak softly to me. The only thing I can do is hold her hook while she refills the feeders every morning. It is the best I can do to help feed the birds. I am their refuge, they are my friends.  Cardinals, nuthatches, chickadees,
juncos, finches, blue jays, woodpeckers, doves and sparrows all enjoy the meals she provides. I can only stand here and wave. I do love watching her feeding birds, without it, I would have been sent to the compost heap long ago.    My short life in the Christmas tree stand has been extended.  It is my job  to provide a safe haven for the backyard birds, well into the spring.  All the other Christmas trees are jealous; they have been turned into mulch. I hear her call to her friends the nuthatches…  to eat their peanuts so they will become strong and keep warm. I smell the homemade peanut butter suet she makes for them, when they are in my branches. It smells so good but they do not offer me any, not one bite. My favorite day was the day she strung cheerios on string and hung them from my branches.  The little birds spent hours nestled in my branches enjoying the treat. 
 My days with my feathered friends will be coming to an end soon.  I am happy to have been chosen to stay with this lady.  She is very kind to the birds.  I enjoy knowing she cares enough to ensure they make it through the cold winter.  Having the protein and fat they need for energy.  The fresh water that is so scarce this time of the year when everything is frozen.  
And finally…  the safe space I provide for them in my branches I could have been tossed a long time ago.  She chose to keep me…  so I could help take care of her feathered friends.



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May 02, 2013 2:08pm 14:08



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