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Edible Flowers

Posted by Jane | Added on : November 06, 2008 07:11am | Last edited: October 27, 2009 3:52pm | Viewed 2962 times | 0 Comments


No garden is complete without beautiful flowers. The lovely blooms enhance the beauty of a garden. While flowers are admired for their beauty and bright colors, some of these flowers are also edible. These flowers are used for their flavor and  medicinal values.

Nasturtiums are the most common edible flowers. The red colored variety of these flowers are commonly used in salads. The contrast color adds a bright touch to a green salad. They are sweet and peppery to taste. These flowers can also be added to vinegar to give it a different flavor.

Pansies are mildly sweet and makes a good addition to cakes. These petals can be added as decoration on a cake. You can improvise and try adding these flowers to desserts.

The yellow and orange, slender, petals of pot marigolds resemble saffron and are used as an alternative for saffron. The petals are cooked in oil to bring out the flavor and color. They can even be eaten raw by sprinkling over cakes or desserts.

Roses are known for their medicinal values. They help in treating headaches and can be used as an astringent. Rose petals are boiled in water and this water is used for cosmetic purposes. The petals are used in making desserts or they can also be eaten raw. Similarly, lilac and violets are used in salads. Jasmine flowers are added to tea to enhance the beverage's flavor.

These are just some of the edible flowers. If you plan to grow edible flowers, then grow them organically. Do not use pesticides anywhere near these plants. Admire the beauty of these flowers in your garden and later relish their taste.



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