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What Plant Attract Which Butterfly?
Posted by angel_o_mine |
Added on : 9 days ago |
Last edited: June 14, 2010 04:30am | Viewed 3550 times
| 0 Comments | This article is also in blooms
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The first step should be to find out which butterflies are in your area. You can do this by spending some time outdoors with your field guide to see which species are around.
Butterflies use two different types of plants - those that provide nectar for the adults to eat (nectar plant), and those that provide food for their offspring (host plant). It is best to find out which plant species are native to your area and plant those rather than exotic species.
American Painted Lady caterpillar eats Everlasting, Daisy, Burdock. Its butterfly feeds off Aster, Dogbane, Goldenrod, Mallow, Privet, Vetch.
American Snout caterpillar eats Hackberry and its butterfly feeds off Aster, Dogbane, Dogwood, Goldenrod, and Pepperbush.
Baltimore Checkerspot caterpillar eats Turtlehead and False while its butterfly feeds off Foxglove, Plantain Milkweed, Viburnum, and Wild Rose.
Black Swallowtail caterpillar eats Parsley, Dill, and Fennel. Its butterfly feeds off Aster, Buddleia, Joe Pye Weed, and Alfalfa.
Clouded Sulphur caterpillar eats Clover and its butterfly feeds off Goldenrod, Grape Hyacinth, and Marigold.
Cloudless Sulphur caterpillar eats Cassia, Apple, and Clover while its butterfly feeds off Zinnia, Butterfly Bush, Cosmos, and Cushion Mum.
Comma caterpillar eats Elm, Hops, and Nettle. Its butterfly feeds off Butterfly Bush and Dandelion.
Common Buckeye caterpillar eats Snapdragon, Loosestrife and its butterfly feeds off Carpetweed.
Common Checkered Skipper caterpillar eats Mallow/Hollyhock while its butterfly feeds off Shepherd's needles, Fleabane, Aster, and Red Clover.
Common Sulphur caterpillar eats Vetch. Its butterfly feeds off Aster, Dogbane and Goldenrod.
Common Wood-nymph caterpillar eats Purpletop Grass and its butterfly feeds off Purple Coneflower.
Eastern Pygmy Blue caterpillar eats Glasswort and its butterfly feeds off Salt Bush.
Eastern Tailed Blue caterpillar eats Clover and Peas while its butterfly feeds off Dogbane.
Falcate Orangetip caterpillar eats Rock Cress and Mustard. Its butterfly feeds off Mustard, Strawberry, Chickweed, and Violet.
Giant Swallowtail caterpillar eats Citrus and its butterfly feeds off Joe Pye Weed and Buddleia.
Gorgone Checkerspot caterpillar eats Sunflower while its butterfly feeds off Sunflower and Goldenrod.
Gray Hairstreak caterpillar eats Mallow/Hollyhock, Clover and Alfalfa. Its butterfly feeds off Thistle and Ice Plant.
Great Spangled Fritillary caterpillar eats Violet and its butterfly feeds off Thiste, Black-eyed Susan, Milkweed, and Ironweed.
Greater Fritillary caterpillar eats Violet while its butterfly feeds off Joe Pye Weed.
Gulf Fritillary caterpillar eats Pentas and Passion-vine. Its butterfly feeds off Joe Pye Weed.
Hackberry Emperor caterpillar eats Hackberry and its butterfly feeds off Sap, Rotting fruit, Dung, and Carrion.
Little Glassywing caterpillar eats Purpletop Grass while its butterfly feeds off Dogbane and Zinnia.
Little Yellow caterpillar eats Cassia and Clover. Its butterfly feeds off Clover.
Monarch caterpillar eats Milkweed and its butterfly feeds off Dogbane and Buddleia.
Mourning Cloak caterpillar eats Willow , Elm, Poplar, Birch, Nettle, Wild Rose while its butterfly feeds off Butterfly Bush, Milkweed, Shasta Daisy, and Dogbane.
Orange Sulphur caterpillar eats Vetch. Alfalfa and Clover. Its butterfly feeds off Alfalfa, Aster, Clover, and Verbena.
Painted Lady caterpillar eats Thistle, Daisy, Mallow/Hollyhock, Burdock and its butterfly feeds off Aster and Zinnia.
Pearl Crescent caterpillar eats Aster while its butterfly feeds off Dogbane.

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