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How long does a bird live?
Posted by budsandbros | June 30, 2010 10:20am | Viewed 2634 times | 1 replies | Last replied by MariaBBB on June 30, 2010 11:40am
How long does a bird live?
June 30, 2010 11:40am |
In very general terms, the larger a bird is, the longer its life expectancy. For small birds, such as migratory songbirds (warblers, vireos, etc.) the average life expectancy may be as little as two years. This short life expectancy is due to the many hazards birds face from birth: predators, disease, accidents, migration, starvation, habitat loss, and hunting, among others. Captive birds, protected from the hazards of nature, have much longer life spans. Many waterfowl have survived in the wild for as long as 30 years, and seabirds, such as gulls and albatrosses, have longevity records that cover 30 to 40 years. |
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