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How to attract songbirds?

Posted by ErnieB | March 03, 2010 2:48pm | Viewed 972 times | 3 replies | Last replied by budsandbros on March 04, 2010 01:19am

What can I add/change in my garden in order to have more singing birds to visit my garden? Are there any specific plants that songbirds look for?


March 03, 2010 11:46pm

Hummingbirds will linger longer if you offer nesting material to help cushion their pea-size eggs.


March 03, 2010 11:55pm

Attracting and keeping songbirds can depend on a number of factors including the type and quality of seed that you provide.

The most popular seed is black-oil sunflower, which is accepted by the greatest variety of birds. This seed is a particular favourite of cardinals, chickadees, evening grosbeaks and purple finches but is also part of the diet of most other songbirds.

Blended mixes should also be part of a back yard feeding program. The blend you choose will depend on the birds that you wish to attract. For example, blends that contain millet will attract juncos, mourning doves and sparrows. Blue jays favour peanuts and striped sunflower, while cardinals like safflower.

If you are interested in attracting gold finches and other finches, then nyger seed should be at the top of your list. Nyger is a small seed that is also rich in oil. Alternatively, you can opt for a wild finch blend, which contains nyger, red millet and other seeds preferred by finches. For nyger seed and


March 04, 2010 01:19am

Hey there's an article here with tips on how to make your garden suitable for birds in general. See "Turning your Garden to a Bird-friendly Place".

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