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Plants that attract birds and butterflies

Posted by Garden101 | January 10, 2013 9:17pm | Viewed 2188 times | 2 replies | Last replied by virginia.thielemier.7 on January 23, 2014 03:01am

I have a small yard and space is limited, but I'd like to attract birds and butterflies to my garden.

What are some good plants that will do both?  Or, if one plant won't do attract both, what kind of plants do I should I get? 


January 10, 2013 10:33pm

I'm not the best gardener in the world. I like things that are super easy to take care of. And Ive found that my Russian Sage attracts tons of butterflies and sometimes hummingbirds. Ive also found for small areas and containers one really easy thing to plant is a cheap pre packaged mix of butterfly/bird seeds. Usually less than 5 dollars, it covers a large area, grows really fast with just a little care. Plus if you decide to change things up the next year, you dont feel bad about digging everything up.


January 23, 2014 03:01am

A butterfly bush is also nice. They attract butterflies and hummers.

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